Competition Advocacy Studies
Rethinking competition in the Digital Economy
Published: 1 march, 2018
Digital Economy
Disruptive Technologies
New Technologies
Sector Financiero
Economía digital
Nuevas tecnologías
Tecnologías disruptivas
Sector Turismo
Tipo de documento:
Competition Advocacy Studies
Cuaderno de Promoción de la Competencia
Estudio de Promoción de la Competencia
Elaborado por:
The digital economy makes online communication, commerce, entertainment and work, among other activities, possible. Competition policy is not exempt from disruption. The digital economy’s characteristics (discussed in this document) may lead to concentration in certain markets and even facilitate carrying out anticompetitive practices. Given this trend, there is some debate about the actions or strategies that should be followed: operate under the assumption that digital markets will be efficient through competition processes and therefore require minimum intervention; or regulate them because they are prone to lack competition, even before an anticompetitive practice is observed. In any case, the question as to whether current competition policy tools should be reconsidered or are sufficient to prevent abuse of dominance and cartel activities, is relevant.
Keywords: Digital, economy, innovation, networks effects, interopability, big data, sharing economy, plataforms, google, internet, disruptive markets, big data, entry barrier, digital economy, consumers, online, communication, commerce.
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